Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day #35

Today’s favourite poses: Plank, Child’s Pose, 3 Legged Dog, Warrior 3, Tree

Minutes with a relatively quiet mind: 15-20

Today’s interesting/thought provoking reading: (indirectly taken from We Are Awakening)

I would like to dedicate this post to my friend Nate, who wrote an extremely interesting little book, that I think we ALL need to read. After I read it, I ‘happened’ to come across a few videos, (which I have not had the opportunity to check out the organizations that produced them yet), but that I think provide very complimentary/compelling perspectives/arguments as to WHY Nate’s message is so important. They illuminate the present ill state of our society and world today, and emphasize the critical need for change. (But also offer the hope that changes/ awakening ARE happening as we speak).

The title of Nate’s book is “We are Awakening”. I believe it contains the very essence of the change we need to make. He reminds us that we have gotten to the way we are “as a result of how we live, and that it seems we are prepared to drive ourselves to our own destruction”. I fully agree with this, and personally feel that what we need to do, to bring us back to ‘source’, is firstly, to each go on an ‘inner journey’, back to GOD, through meditation, through prayer, through spending time in nature, and perhaps most importantly, as Nate points out in his book, to realize (remember) our unity, our Oneness. (We are all parts of the same whole!)

The following comment (left on Nate’s blog), were my first reactions to reading his book. Each time I pick it up though, I find another stunning revelation that stops me in my tracks.

“Words are signposts to something greater”. This is definitely the case for this wonderful book! It opens a door to our consciousness, our Oneness, the essence of our Being. It sheds light on dualism, paradox, separation, relativity, and where we ultimately came from. It is a reminder that a shift in perspective, from separation to unity, is really all that is required to redefine/remember what it is to be a divine part of the divine whole. There are really no WORDS to describe this peaceful beacon to clarity. It has to be read, and experienced.

Thank you, Nate, for ‘unboxing all this’ for us! :-)

I implore anyone who gets this message, to go to his website and order his book! It is very POWERFUL stuff and I promise you, you will not be sorry!


  1. Really uplifting and inspiring videos... I feel like you choose them carefully each time! (Although I too have no idea about the organisations that produced them!)

    I can't tell you how touched I was to see that this post is dedicated to 'we are awakening...'

    Your comments re-affirm that what is being done is True. Thank you so much for leaving your comment on too. I can't tell you how much it is appreciated :-)


  2. Any ideas about music credits for 'SPIRITUAL AWAKENING - Get ready for Earth changes'?! Can't seem to find any info...

  3. Hey Nate!

    You are very welcome! I feel like I can't say enough about your work/writing, including both your book and your blog (and e-mails as well). But it really speaks for itself, in such an eloquent and inspiring manner, that people simply have to find out for themselves. :)

    I actually just seem to stumble across the videos most of the time, but I do feel like there is some sort of guidance toward them as well. I have them bookmarked in a file, and usually there seems to be a correlation of some sorts, at some point in time, with the reading/research I do. I am hoping to use them all by the time my '100 days' is done, but it's looking like that might not be doable....

    It looks like the organization who made the video is in Spain. I sent them an e-mail to ask them about the music and will let you know if they get back to me.

