Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day #4

Today’s favourite poses: Tiger, Cobra, Tree, Warrior I

Minutes with a relatively quiet mind: 20

Today’s interesting/thought provoking reading: (Taken from The Undiscovered Self by Carl Gustav Jung)

The forlornness of consciousness in our world is due primarily to the loss of instinct, and the reason for this lies in the development of the human mind over the past aeon. The more power man had over nature, the more his knowledge and skill went to his head, and the deeper became his contempt for the merely natural and accidental, for that which is irrationally given - including the objective psyche, which is all that consciousness is not. In contrast to the subjectivism of the conscious mind, the unconscious is objective, manifesting itself mainly in the form of contrary feelings, fantasies, emotions, impulses and dreams, none of which makes oneself but which come upon objectively.

....What does lie within our reach, however, is the change in individuals who have, or create, an opportunity to influence others of like mind in their circle of acquaintance. I do not mean by persuading or preaching - I am thinking, rather, of the well known fact that anyone who has insight into his own action, and has thus found access to the unconscious, involuntarily exercises an influence on his environment. The deepening and broadening of his consciousness produce the kind of effect which the primitives call "mana." It is an unintentional influence on the unconscious prestige, and its effect lasts only so long as not disturbed by conscious intention. Nor does the striving for self knowledge altogether shun the prospect of social amelioration, since there exists a factor, which, though completely disregarded, meets our expectations halfway. This is the unconscious Zeitgeist. It compensates the attitude of the conscious mind and anticipates changes to come.

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