Today’s favourite poses: Tiger, Pigeon, Child, Cobra, Tiger, Pigeon, Child, Cobra.....
Minutes with a relatively quiet mind: 25
Today’s interesting/thought provoking reading taken from my e-mail in 2010 (thanks Sagey)
Our effect on reality starts with our intuition, our thoughts, and our subconscious. We can measure our thoughts as electromagnetic energy so every thought or word exists as an energy in the universe. Energy eventually manifests into matter and becomes our daily experience, so marshal your thoughts. - G
We are divine. We are creative beings. If our thoughts and actions manipulate the reality around us, that is something. As conscious beings it becomes our duty to figure out exactly what's going on. After all, we are deciphering the course of our planet and, in turn, our solar system and entire universe. - G
Or, as Dr. Wayne Dyer puts it:
We can all draw a map of our own consciousness to show how every thought computes to either weaken or strengthen you. Authentic wisdom is the ability to monitor yourself at all times to determine your relative state of weakness or strength, and to shift out of those thoughts that weaken you. In this way you keep yourself in a higher state if consciousness and you prevent yourself from weakening every single cell in your body.
Emotion is energy in motion. When you move energy, you create effect. If you move enough energy, you create matter. Matter is energy conglomerated, moved around, shoved together If you manipulate energy long enough in a certain way, you get matter. It is the alchemy of the universe. It is the secret of all life. Thought is pure energy. Every thought you have, have ever had, and will ever have is creative. The energy of your thought never ever dies ever. It leaves your being and heads out into the universe, extending forever. A thought is forever.
You have always been, and always will be, a divine part of the divine whole. Your job on Earth, is not to learn (because you already know), but to remember WHO YOU ARE. You have come here to work out an individual plan for your own salvation.
Inquire within, rather than without, asking: What part of my Self do I wish to experience now in the face of this calamity? What aspect of being do I choose to call forth? For all life exists as a tool of our own creation, and all of its events merely present themselves as opportunities for you to decide, and be, WHO YOU ARE. This is true for every soul, and so you see there are no victims in the universe, only creators.
There is only one reason to do anything: as a statement of WHO YOU ARE. Used in this way, life becomes self-creative. You use life to create your Self as WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE. There is also only one reason to un-do anything: because it does not reflect you. It does not represent you (that is, it does not re-present you). if you wish to be accurately re-presented, you must work to change anything in your life which does not fit into the picture of you that you wish to project into eternity.
You cannot change the outer event (for that that has been created by the lot of you, and you are not grown enough in your consciousness to alter individually that which has been created collectively) so you must change the inner experience.
The thought that makes most people the weakest is shame, which produces humiliation. The importance of forgiving yourself cannot be stated strongly enough. If you carry around thoughts of shame about what you've done in the past, you're weakening yourself both physically and emotionally. Removing your own thoughts of shame involves a willingness to let go, to see your past behaviours as lessons you had to learn, and to reconnect to your source through prayer and meditation.
After shame, guilt and apathy make you the weakest. They produce the emotions of blame and despair. To live in guilt is to use up your present moments being immobilized over what has already transpired. No amount of guilt will ever undo what's been done. If your past behaviour mobilizes you to learn from your mistakes, this is not guilt; its learning from the past. But to wallow in the present moment over your so-called errors is a waste of time and energy.
Releasing guilt is like removing a huge weight from your shoulders. Guilt is released through the empowering thought of love and respect for yourself. You empower yourself with love and respect, letting go of standards of perfection and refusing to use up the precious currency of your life with the thoughts that only continue to frustrate and weaken you. Instead you can vow to be better than you used to be.
(Just because you let go of guilt and shame, it doesn't mean you aren't sorry for what you have done. It also doesn't mean that you absolve someone else of their actions either. For a person to ONLY focus on what someone else has done is living in denial though. We all have to look at the mistakes we've made and whether or not we gave someone a raw deal. I guess we just have to take what we are dealt, but sometimes the cards we were shown turned out to be completely different than what we thought we had in our hands. And what we had in our hands, wasn't what we had in our hearts.)
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