Friday, March 11, 2011

Day #68

Today’s favourite poses: Sideways Down Dog and a couple other ones

Minutes with a relatively quiet mind: No......(too many Corona's, sweetheart).....obviously I didn't write this part at 5:24 a.m.

Today’s interesting/thought provoking reading: (Taken from Meditations from the Mat by Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison)

A Course in Miracles is a self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy contained in three books. Although the course uses traditional Christian terms, it challenges reader by using them in non-traditional ways, as it seeks to remove “the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence which is your natural inheritance.” In A Course in Miracles, we are reminded that all of humanity’s troubles began the moment we perceived ourselves to be separate from God. We all know the story of the fall of Adam and Eve; we left Eden when we lost our sense of oneness with God and each other. But at the very moment the separation occurred, God also created the solution. According to the course, the Holy Ghost came into being to heal the minds of humans who believed that they were separate from God. God gave us free will, so it is possible for us to choose to be misguided. But in God’s universe the solution to our suffering became possible the moment we created the cause of our suffering.

In yoga there is a similar relationship between the problem and the solution. The all-pervasive avidya, or ignorance, is matched with the eternal vidya, or clear seeing. The moment we become willing to believe in a power greater than ourselves, or in a reality more complex than the material world of our own imaginations, we find ourselves to be embraced as intimately by the true as we have embraced the false. The old definitions of time, power, good, and bad are turned inside out and eventually become irrelevant as we realize that our entire belief system has been predicated on false assumptions. Even a hint of the truth has awesome implications.

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