Monday, February 7, 2011

Day #36

Today’s favourite poses: Cobra, Warrior, Plank, upside Down Dog (right side up)

Minutes with a relatively quiet mind: .....are you kidding me?!

Today’s not so interesting thoughts/rant:

True or False??

Over the weekend I had a conversation with a friend from another province. It was about whether or not someone can call themselves a “true Christian”. That term/phrase has always bothered me. But now that I am trying to expand my ‘spiritual horizons’, it REALLY bothers me. What gives anyone (other than God or Jesus Himself), to JUDGE if someone is a “true Christian”?? I have also recently heard the term “false teacher” when describing people like the Dalai Lama, Buddha, or Lao Tzu. Which begs the question, what exactly is FALSE about them?? Certainly not WHAT they are teaching, (these are all intensely peaceful human beings who teach us to love one another, end war, take care of our precious planet, and love GOD. Isn’t that exactly the same thing Christ taught us??). And they are not claiming to BE God, so they can’t exactly be classified as any sort of ‘False Idols.’ They don’t run around proclaiming they are the second coming like some lunatic cult figure. They are simply wise, peaceful teachers/people who are spreading messages that I’m sure God/Jesus would totally agree/concur with, because in many ways, they are virtually identical to the principles that the bible/Jesus taught us! (which in itself, makes them NOT evil, or ‘false’!) Again, just because someone agrees with their principles/teaching/messages, does NOT mean they are saying you should follow or worship them like Christ. While they might have slightly varying beliefs, none of them EVER say follow me INSTEAD OF Jesus. And let’s not forget, as far as ‘spiritual literature’ goes, most of the sacred texts followed by Eastern faiths were around hundreds or even thousands of years before Christ/the bible, and they are still relevant today. That is saying something! But I’m willing to bet that the majority of self-proclaimed “true Christians” have never even picked up the Yoga Sutra or the Bhagavad Gita for example, (because if they had, they just might find something they like or that really resonates with them, even more so than many parts of the bible). And let’s also not forget, if there is a God (which of course there IS), then HE CREATED Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Ghandi, etc. in His image as well.

As far as I know, Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life, not the ONLY way, the ONLY truth, the ONLY life. Of course He said that the only way to the Father was through him, but that doesn’t mean that He ALONE had the only message worth listening to, or could be the only one to tell/deliver it. (In fact didn't He Himself have apostles to help spread His message??) He did not say “Be sure to discount every other wise, peace-loving being (which again, he created!) that has ever walked, or ever will walk the earth. He did not say that there can be NO OTHER route to envelope/assimilate the concepts of love, hope, peace, charity, and respect. He did not outlaw any other forms of aphorisms or spiritual texts or say “If you get this message anywhere else, IGNORE it as it isn’t True.” That’s ridiculous. It’s the SAME message, just in a different (and usually more poetic) form. Of course you aren’t supposed to go around WORSHIPPING ‘false Gods’, but God is different to everyone. Some know Him as simply the creator, some as Allah, Yahweh, Spirit, etc. We have come a long way since the days where science couldn’t explain everything so we assigned every natural phenomenon a deity, but that just brings up a whole other can of worms. I am definitely not arguing the existence of God. But while we are on that topic, (well, I am, anyway), the people who try to use LOGIC or REASON to dispute there is a God, just don’t get it. Faith is not something you acquire by logic or reason, so it certainly isn’t something that can be used to erase it. And while we’re on the topic of faith, why is it that you can only prove your faith by going to church?? Am I faithless and not a spiritual being because I have a PERSONAL rather than an INSTITUTIONAL relationship with God?? And of course let’s not forget the 1 day a week Christians (or the ones who claim to be ‘devout Christians’ but live the VAST majority of their lives like soulless, immoral TWITS and are MEAN to the people they supposedly “love”). Anyway, not that it matters, but I actually LIKE going to church. But I also LIKE doing Yoga, and exploring other avenues of spirituality such as Buddhism, Taoism, etc. And I don’t feel guilty about it. Why is there pressure/judgement to conform/choose?? Can’t a Christian (which I consider myself to be) draw the essence of Christ/Life from other sources as well?? My God, is not a jealous or insecure God. He knows he trumps ALL other beings, and he knows I know it! I am not CONFUSED, I KNOW who to pray to (and I do, daily), and I KNOW who to thank for ALL of my blessings.

I’m not trying to offend anyone or incite any sort of argument, and I certainly don’t mean any disrespect. I am just stating what is in my HEART. (I’m sure the 6 people who read this blog agree with me anyway). And I’m not looking for any sort of absolution. (That can only come from my God) I truly believe, that if I have screwed up about this, God will eventually show me, and forgive me, cause that’s the way my God rolls. So before anyone hits me with the Law of Non Contradiction again, remember that I am speaking MY truth, and from MY heart (and didn’t you say you really liked that I ‘tell it like it is’)?? I may be naïve, and I may be a little rough around the edges/wet behind the ears when it comes to this kind of stuff, but THIS is how it is for ME. And I don’t like that I have to defend it. Live and let live people. I don’t judge you, please don’t judge me. As I’ve always said, I believe that at the heart of everything in the entire universe, is indeed, God. But I am also deeply moved by so many aspects of the Buddhist and Taoist path/faith that perhaps I don’t even WANT to be called a “true Christian” (whatever the hell that is……)

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