Monday, March 28, 2011

Day #85

Today’s favourite poses: Plank, Pigeon, Triangle, Warrior I, II, III, Dancing Warrior

Minutes with a relatively quiet mind: (a few)

Today’s interesting/thought provoking reading: (Taken from At Home in the Muddy Waters by Ezra Bayda)

As we practice experiencing this “what”, with fewer filters, our self-imposed boundaries dissolve, and the bubble of perception of our separate self can burst, even if only momentarily. This is far different from striving to have “enlightenment experiences”, through which we hope to achieve a permanent state of clarity and calm. This is a false pursuit; no single experience makes us permanently clear and peaceful. In fact, the pursuit of this fantasy state is often driven by the very same greed and ambition we are trying to dispel. Instead, I’m talking about the slow experiential dismantling of layer after layer of our illusions about who we are and what our life is. Experiencing, rather than trying to have special experiences, is where real freedom lies. This is how we learn that our normal way of looking at the world is only a description, and only one of many possible descriptions.

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